Auditory Processing Disorder

People with auditory processing disorder struggle to hear small sound differences in normal speech. For example, someone says, “You can have the best dog in the world if you have the cash.” You tell your kid, “Watch the cows over there,” and he or she hears, “See the clown in the chair.” This difference in sound is the main characteristic of APD Adelaide.

Someone with APD Adelaide will tend to hear words in loud voices, but not in low tones. That’s a difference in how the brain understands the language. With language processing disorders, the brain understands speech in one register at a normal volume but misunderstands it in another. As in the above example, the person with apd may misinterpret words and say, “You’re late to work again.” Instead, the person might say, “I had a terrible headache the whole drive back and I’m sorry I couldn’t make it work.”

apd-adelaideDifferent words, pitches, or inflections are processed differently in each person with an auditory processing disorder. If one child has autism, the chances are that other children will also. It’s not uncommon for young children with APD Adelaide to grow up with Asperger’s syndrome. Researchers have determined that auditory processing disorder is one of the most common co-occurring conditions among autistic people.

Research has shown that children with autism grow up to be professionals, but the development process starts again. Often this starts with a new diagnosis. She notes, however, that her findings have been most consistent with children with a central auditory processing disorder compared with those without.

Another child with autism who has been studied and has trouble following conversations has trouble following directions and seems to focus on only the centre of his brain, paying no attention to anything else. Because he can sit for hours, researchers believe he may have ADHD, but their tests are inconclusive.

When someone has difficulties hearing or a family history of auditory processing disorder, it is important to see a doctor. In many cases, there is nothing wrong with the child’s actual hearing abilities; it is only the social part of their brain malfunctioning. Children with ASDs, usually do not respond to treatment in the same way as their peers. But, they can learn to function more effectively in social situations if the right treatment is sought. Early diagnosis and effective management of auditory processing disorder can make a huge difference in how successful a child with ASDs can become.